JASP: Hello Sir!
FOAM GUY (Older gentleman with a thick Scottish accent): Mornin'
MORRO: Can we fill this toilet box with foam and make it into a bed?
JASP: Ummm. Okay...
FOAM GUY: This foam has a twenty year guarantee you see, it's far too expensive. It'll cost yous upwards ta two hundred quid to fill that box you have there.
JASP: Do you have any styrofoam or anything cheaper?
So we didn't get foam - obviously. Defeated, we walked back towards our flat having no idea what we were going to use as a little bed. Something small enough to fit on our little stage. Something strong enough to hold the weight of two clowns. Then a miracle happened. It was sitting there outside, part of a make-shift display outside a store that is run by a church. Pink, sturdy, little. A small childs table. AND it was only three pounds. IT WAS PERFECT! We bought the table, ate some pie, and took it to the theatre.
We decided that even if we made a fake label for Life Brand tampons no one here would know what we were talking about so - stick with Tampax and how they are "Super Plus". All that was left to find was cheezies. Thank you to everyone who sent emails and Facebook messages and comments on the blog with suggestions - they were so so so helpful. We were like mini detectives with lots of assistants. Like we were Sherlock and you were all Holmes. And together we cracked the case. WE found so many options including Monster Crunch (which comes in pickled onion and roast beef flavours - weird), Wotsits (which are pretty good but not quite as puffy for fireworks), and CHEETOS CHEEZIES. We actually found them. Not many places have them and they are either crunchy or twisted spicy but they are wonderful.
We are finally ready for our show!
We hung out with Rebecca Perry and Mark Forward and some dude on the street who said female puberty is "weird" and he was totally grossed out by our show. Then we went for a special lunch. Our first of several that we are writing a food article about (stay tuned).
Then it happened. We had our first ever show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! So many of our friends from Canada and other fringes were there to support us and some new friends, including some therapeutic clowns from Hearts and Minds in Edinburgh, and it was nearly a full house. We had so much fun and are totally excited for the run now that we have our butterflies in check. Thanks for all the support from back home too. We love you all!