Dear World,
We have been without power/phone/internet for two days (not all of them at the same time but at least one was lacking at all times over the course of the storm). Some people still don't have power. The elements are acting up - they are extremely unhappy. We feel extremely lucky to have each other because it can be really cold on your own. Morro built a lean to with the couch and some blankets and we heated up some cans of soup over candles. We couldn't open them because it was too dark to find the can opener so we just ended up eating the crackers, but it was a fun thought.
As we huddled together we ended up singing a lot of songs and listening to the crackling ice as it fell from the trees that look like prehistoric dino-trees. It was actually kinda nice. It did make us really appreciate a few things though: ONE- we have two ... as in two of us (even though that can be really annoying sometimes it was essential here just even for basic survival needs); TWO- we had spurts of hydro and now have it again (some people don't even have that. in fact some people never have that); THREE- we actually have a lot, like just in general ... a lot of love, a lot of joy, a lot of friends... So thank you for that... to the universe to the friends to Santa or Pere Noel or our community... Maybe we didn't get to finish shopping or plan the perfect meal because a bit of a natural disaster happened but it was only a bit of a disaster and we have so many other things that we can never stop saying thank you for.... like actually, now that Morro has started she is just saying "thank you" on repeat, its getting kind of annoying.
But really, thank you... everyone... and Merry Merry Everything!
Morro and Jasp
We have been without power/phone/internet for two days (not all of them at the same time but at least one was lacking at all times over the course of the storm). Some people still don't have power. The elements are acting up - they are extremely unhappy. We feel extremely lucky to have each other because it can be really cold on your own. Morro built a lean to with the couch and some blankets and we heated up some cans of soup over candles. We couldn't open them because it was too dark to find the can opener so we just ended up eating the crackers, but it was a fun thought.
As we huddled together we ended up singing a lot of songs and listening to the crackling ice as it fell from the trees that look like prehistoric dino-trees. It was actually kinda nice. It did make us really appreciate a few things though: ONE- we have two ... as in two of us (even though that can be really annoying sometimes it was essential here just even for basic survival needs); TWO- we had spurts of hydro and now have it again (some people don't even have that. in fact some people never have that); THREE- we actually have a lot, like just in general ... a lot of love, a lot of joy, a lot of friends... So thank you for that... to the universe to the friends to Santa or Pere Noel or our community... Maybe we didn't get to finish shopping or plan the perfect meal because a bit of a natural disaster happened but it was only a bit of a disaster and we have so many other things that we can never stop saying thank you for.... like actually, now that Morro has started she is just saying "thank you" on repeat, its getting kind of annoying.
But really, thank you... everyone... and Merry Merry Everything!
Morro and Jasp