A mission was accomplished today. We handed out resumes at over twenty stores in the Eaton Centre Shopping Mall - where all the teenagers of Toronto convene to socialize. We did not socialize (well, a little bit). We were on a mission!
Here are the highlights:
Here are the highlights:
Jewelry Stores - People are really attentive at jewelry stores. Morro thinks it's because they thought we were going to steal something because pretty much every jewelry store they did not take their eyes off of us especially at a certain store that sells very famous crystal things. But Jasp thinks it's because they were just basking in our joint love of the sparkle. Victoria's Secret - They ask you a lot, A LOT of questions when you want to apply for a job here so if you are Jasp and have for some reason thought about your love for bras in depth then it's great. If you are Morro and are somewhat shy about such topics, not the place for you. Hot Topic - They were really nice to us and we totally dug the store. You can get My Little Pony shirts and Superman underwears. However, laaaaater we found out that they called security to check up on us. How rude! Security (in three parts)- Security sighting number one: They tell us we cannot film. We stop filming and they go on their way. Security sighting number two: New security guards stop us because they had a certain store call to report us. They ask us what we are soliciting. We are not soliciting anything so we say "nothing". They ask us what we are promoting. We say "nothing". They ask is why we are here. We tell them "to apply for jobs" Then we show them our resumes. For some reason they laugh really hard and then tell us we are not doing anything wrong. Obviously! So they say if anyone is rude to us just let them know about it. Wahoo! Security sighting number three: We see the same security guards as sighting number two. They give us high fives and chat with us like we are old-time friends (which we now are) and we all carry on our way. | Sephora - This store is huge and they were painting the mannequins with really awesome body art, just sayin'. Not only did we get application forms here but also they showed us that their special totem or touchstone or holy grail (what they actually call it, we are not sure) is a clown nose in a special glass box. BECAUSE they said that they all need a reminder not to take themselves too seriously. WOW! First of all it was not a real clown nose, only a sponge one which is good because it would be really clown cruelty to have a real someone's nose in a box. But also, what a good mantra to live by. Hollister - We were strangely surprised by how awesome this place was. Morro was so skeptical because it seems kinda stuck-up from the outside so she totally thought they were going to kick us out. But the guy who worked there was so so so nice and even flirted with Jasp just a little (but still kept it professional). He explained all their positions, how their training works, how their interview process works, filled out applications with us and took them to be filed. It was Awesome!!!! AND they have really fun colourful socks. maybe we got some because they were 50% off. Disney - It's really happy there. Like, really happy. Like REALLY happy. And apparently you have to apply online. Actually that happened at a lot of places, they said we could only apply online. But Morro thinks it was just a nice way of saying no to us. The others - In general there were kind of three different types of reactions. People who really liked us and genuinely took their time to talk to us. People who discriminated against us but knew they shouldn't so they smiled with that kinda fakey smile and took our resume but we could tell that we would never hear from them. And people who hated us (basically that was only one which there is another post about). All in all handing out resumes is a lot of work...we are pooped! |