What do a couple clown girls have to do to get a job? Where do we belong?
Sure we got hired for a day a the Calendar Club, but we got paid in staff discount which doesn't really buy groceries. Not to mention that you have to buy something in order to get the discount so we in fact ended up with less money at the end of the day.
Sure Jasp got an interview at Hollister but she couldn't actually go because she started having an allergic reaction to all the perfumes that they have.
Sure we have a volunteer shift at NextStage (which we are super excited for) but you can only eat so many surveys before you get paper cuts in your stomach.
No one seems to take us seriously. Serious enough to give us a serious paying job at least.
Must we change ourselves? Must we change the system? The way up is not always so clear.
Sure we got hired for a day a the Calendar Club, but we got paid in staff discount which doesn't really buy groceries. Not to mention that you have to buy something in order to get the discount so we in fact ended up with less money at the end of the day.
Sure Jasp got an interview at Hollister but she couldn't actually go because she started having an allergic reaction to all the perfumes that they have.
Sure we have a volunteer shift at NextStage (which we are super excited for) but you can only eat so many surveys before you get paper cuts in your stomach.
No one seems to take us seriously. Serious enough to give us a serious paying job at least.
Must we change ourselves? Must we change the system? The way up is not always so clear.